Instructor: Patricia Savage
Mondays: June 11, 18, 25, July 2, and 9 from 7:00-9:30 pm
Location: Waverly Artists Group
Waverly Place, 302 Colonades Way, Suite 209-D, Cary, NC 27518
5 weeks, 2.5 hour class per week (Hours: 12.5)
Prerequisites: None
Class Size: 12
Cost: $185
Chalk pastels are pure, vibrant, luscious pigment mixed in some chalk with a little bit of binder added. They are easy to apply and can be reworked any time and many times. They can be used on any surface that has some tooth. They can be applied very loosely or tightly with many different textural variations.
After blocking out the basic compositional shapes with thumbnail sketches, students learn how to apply thin, multiple layers of pigments, the relationships formed between warm and cool colors, and how to use color and values to create depth of field.
Students will need to bring some supplies. Contact the instructor for more information.
Contact Patricia for the supply list